Sunday, August 29, 2010

Silent Spring Synopsis

What a big effect this book has put on us! Silent Spring, which is written by Rachel Carson, had affected us the and the way we react towards our environment and society. She starts off by letting us visualizer how a great city that's abundant with food and life, can go horribly wrong when introduced to harmful chemicals. Rachel then explains to us all the types of chemicals that we are exposed to. She tells the readers about all the harm that it is doing to the plants, animals, and of course, us humans. Carson goes into detail and tells about the food chain and how the poison that is in our body is transferred throughout the whole universe. The main chemical that Carson wants the readers to know is about the chemicals that we call pesticides and insecticides. They affect all of our elements, which will eventually get to us as the food chain explains. An example would be the soil. The soil contains all types of life forms. The pesticides that we put in it kill most of the life that lives there. The pesticide also stays withing the soil for as long as years. These harmful pesticide sprays are all unneeded and that's what Carson is also saying. She then tells of the effect that it has to do with the wild life and a part of the wild life is humans. Carson starts to explain how we are affected and how we all have harmful chemicals in us. The next thing she says is that the main target that the insecticides are supposed to target, are getting used to the chemicals. This makes the chemicals even more unnecessary. Last of all, Carson gives us knowledge of ways that we can get rid of weeds and insects without hurting our environment, our ecosystem, our home.

The way that this book relates to biology and ridiculously known. The first example would be the pollution caused in the water and soil. The water can be contaminated by the chemicals and there will be animals that still continue to drink that water. From that animal, some other animal can get that poison passed along. This is just explaining the food chain. Other ways would be how it relates to the well known species, humans. Humans get all types of diseases and disorders. The harmful chemical that is put into the insecticides can have some kind of effect on the ricks of being diagnosed with it. An example of possibly affected disorder would be Down Syndrome. Another well known disease would be cancer. Research is being done right now to link cancer to these harmful chemicals that we use for unworthy reasons. Another relation to science would be that fact that it's chemicals that are hurting us. chemicals can be good and bad for us at the same time. An obvious good chemical would probably be detergent, because its min use to clean stains off of our clothes. The bad cause, after reading this book, would be pesticides that are killing all types of life, including those that it wasn't meant to kill.

Society has changed and it's all thanks to this book; even vice president Al Gore thinks so. The society has changed for the better and that's exactly what we need. With this book, the people would have never known the hurt that they were causing unknowingly. In this time that we live, researchers are researching for different compounds that they could use in their pesticides. They are trying to improve the chemical compound to be more effective and safer for the ecosystem. Without this book, the Environmental Protection Agency probably would not be established in 1970. It might be established later when our world would be entering a crisis, or it might not be established at all. We have to give great thanks for that, but that's not only the effect that Silent Spring has had on us. Another effect would be about the main reason for this book, pesticides. Because of issues that Carson has shown us, Congress decides to take it in their hands to help the world. They debated on the pros and cons of the current pesticides. In this case, the cons were more virulent. DDT has been virtually banned from the United States of America. Every effect is a cause and every cause has an effect. And because of the ban of DDT, the common health of the people of America is improving more and has less risk of being diagnosed with some kind of disorder.

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