Thursday, July 29, 2010

Germs in the Role

It is true that germs and bacteria on your hands are bad for you. Even that, you can’t really get rid all of those junks off your hands, no matter how many times you wash your hands. Now think it in an optimistic way, even though we have dirty germs in our hands, it’s beneficial for forensic scientist and for crime detecting. According to scientists from University of Colorado at Boulder, every person has their own set of microbes living in their hands. So, if your fingerprints are washed off or can’t be detected, microbes are another way that can detect a person’s DNA. To test this out, scientists began to test using 3 people typing on a keyboard, they were able to detect and match the microbes of each person. Then they began to test with 9 then 270 people. They were able to find all the different microbes. This proves that using microbes is a more beneficial way to detect a crime or to see who was at the crime scene rather than observing for fingerprints.

Forensic, a study of fingerprints, is a type of biology. Germs and bacteria are living organisms that lives on other organisms. In this article, one of biology related was that fingerprints and microbes can detect who the person is. It is quite unique. This revealed that every single person has their own DNA and sets of microbes and no one is the same, not even twins.

We should care because this will make us realize that with biology and forensic, everything we do can be tracked down with only microbes. This can help us to learn more about ourselves and knowing that each person not only have different DNA, they also have different microbes. This also views germs in an optimistic way because with these germs or microbes, they can help suspects to get out of the trouble in a certain crime.

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